Kaiju Legends is an NFT project that revolves around the fictional character Pixelkaiju and was created during a meeting with the creator and artist Jordy te Braak. The idea was to launch an NFT project where people could mint one or more Kaiju Legends NFTs, and then participate in games and other promotions with their Kaiju.
To generate an NFT collection, build a community and hold a launch to sell the collection. These were the main objectives of the first phase of this project. Successive phases would include working on a new game and the opportunity to make Kaiju Legends merchandise and even toys.
To generate the NFT collection, we have developed a tool that creates a collection of different images based on the specified number. We also created the smart contract, the website, the mint page and a gallery where people can see the Kaijus after they were revealed. We know from experience that a large part of the success of NFT launches depends on good marketing around the project. We therefor built a mini-game based on the well-known game 'Flappy Bird', where people had to get a score to earn a spot on the allowlist. Finally, we entered into a partnership with Crypto.com and sold a large part of the collection on their platform.
After having lauched the NFT the entire collection is sold out.
We always look at which techniques we can best use for each project. Here are a few techniques that we used to realize the project.
In the years since our start, we have been fortunate to work together with our clients on a host of great projects.